Frequently asked questions

How do I place an order?

Firstly, find the product you wish to buy by making use of the keyword search boxes located on nearly every page of the website.
You will also find links to browse lists and more detailed product-specific searches in the top and left navigation bar of each department.
When you find a product that interests you, click the title or name of the product to see more details, including availability and estimated delivery dates.
Add the product to your cart.

How do I access my cart?

You can access the contents of your shopping cart at any time by clicking on the shopping bag icon on the Optimi Plus website.
Your shopping cart contains all the products that you have selected to buy.
Once you have added a product to your shopping cart, you can go back and keep shopping to add more items to your cart.


How does the check-out process work?

Once you have selected all the items you would like to purchase, you can complete your order in a few easy steps:

  • Click Proceed to Checkout after you have reviewed the items in your cart.
  • If prompted, sign in to your account or create a new account if this is your first order.
  • Choose your delivery method:
Courier delivery to your door
Collect from our warehouse in Centurion
  • Choose your payment method.
  • Review your order details and make a payment.


What payment methods do you accept?

Payment can be made via:

  • Credit and debit card
  • Maestro and Visa Electron
  • PayFast: EFT with PayFast enables you to make instant EFT payments that clear immediately.


How long does it take to ship my order and how can I track my package?

You will receive an email notification with a tracking number once your order has been received at our warehouse. The tracking number will allow you to track your order.


Please see our policy regarding cancellations and returns.


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